The squig theory - Case 1

Morning, greenheads (or afternoon, night, whatever!). Today I will take some more space for commenting. I apologise in advance. Point is, whenever it comes to squigs, I am extremely sensitive, as I have made many, I non-stop work on them and I clearly made up my minds on some things that one should or should NOT do.

Case 1

This is definitely a more than decent case of (mangler) squig(-s), as it respects some of the basic "rules", at least for cave squigs...

The one on the right has a big mouth filled with teeth, the second one a closed mouth again, but only few protruding teeth. Both make perfectly sense. Whenever trying to sculpt your own, you will immediately discover how crucial mouth and teeth are. You will find yourself starting many times exactly from there. They inform everything around it and occupy most of the face.

Point 2 is the eyes+noise: not less tricky, I swear. But remember this: squigs'eyes are FRONTAL. They aren't sharks or reptiles, so ensure to well put them on the front side of the face. This is 100% relevant and will prevent you from very bad surprises! Here we have two types: sunken (right-hand mini) ones, as most of cave squigs actually are, and frog-type (the one on the left). Most of the times nose is a pig-like compromise, as it is easier to make (both of them here).

Third point is the legs. Oh, the legs! My pain in the heck! If I found many tricks and solutions for all the other parts, legs are my nightmare. Just bear in mind for the moment they should occupy overall max 1/3 of the entire beast' size (for cave squigs, at least).